CryoKING cryogenic boxes protect and store samples, and are available in materials of durable cardboard, tough polycarbonate and polypropylene.
Premium Cardboard Cryogenic Boxes
1. Made of durable cardboard with superior white outer coating
2. 9*9 or 10*10 format, 2in or 3in are all available
3. Holds 0.5ml, 1.5ml, 2.0ml, 5ml and 10ml microtubes and 15ml or 50ml Centrifuge Tubes
4. Working temperature: stable from -196°C to 121°C
ID-Color™ Cardboard Cryogenic Boxes
1. Made of durable cardboard with a waterproof coating and polypropylene dividers
2. 9*9 or 10*10 format, 1in, 2in or 3.75in are all available
3. Holds 0.5ml, 1.5ml, 2.0ml and 5.0ml microtubes and cryogenic vials
4. Suitable for liquid nitrogen freezing (after adding vent holes, and using cardboard dividers)
PC Cryogenic Boxes
1. Made of tough polycarbonate, chemically resistant to alcohols and mild organic solvents
2. 5*5, 9*9 or 10*10 format, 1in, 2in or 3.75in are all available
3. Compatible with 0.5ml, 1.5ml, 2.0ml or 5.0ml microtubes and cryogenic vials
4. Working temperature: stable from -196°C to 121°C
PP Cryogenic Boxes
1. Made of polypropylene, chemically resistant to alcohols and mild organic solvents
2. 5*5, 9*9 or 10*10 format, 2in are all available
3. Compatible with 0.5ml, 1.5ml or 2.0ml microtubes and cryogenic vials
4. Suitable for storage in mechanical freezers